The international institute of the Newly Established States (IINES) - the non-governmental international organization, is founded in June 2008 group of scientists, political scientists and the international experts in the field of conflictology and international law.
Headquarters IINES is in Moscow. Branches and representations IINES in Kiev, Warsaw, Simferopol, Tshinval, Sukhum , Yerevan, Tiraspol, Western Sahara, Bucharest, Belgrade, Stepanakert , etc.
IINES - the largest debatable expert platform on discussion and studying the phenomenon of newly established states occurrence.
Primary goal IINES participants and organizers see studying and the description of a phenomenon of formation and development of the newly established states of the world, the perspective analysis and examination of influence of the newly established states on world geopolitical processes.
- IINES will organize and carries out actions in the newly established states and other countries: scientific conferences, symposiums and round tables, monitoring of sociopolitical development of the newly established states, monitoring of mass-media.
- Promotes the publication of materials and the edition of books of experts IINES.
- Within the limits of IINES works on designing of formation of democratic institutes and a civil society in the newly established states are spent.
101000 Mysnitskay St.16, Moscow, Russia +7 (495) 979-61-93
e-mail: [email protected]